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    Category: Business Growth

    When Is Buying a Property a Smart Investment for Your Business?  Owning commercial property can be a strategic move—but only if it aligns with both your business objectives and financial outlook. Unlike leasing, buying a property for your business also carries the responsibility of an investment, which must be evaluated separately from day-to-day operations.  Here...
    Office Real Estate in Australia  A few years ago, during the pandemic, Omer and I were building Mindesigns from our own homes in Sydney. Like many entrepreneurs, the uncertainty of the world around us became the push to take action and bring ideas to life.  But as we set out to find an office space,...
    Is Your Website Driving Success?  Since we started Mindesigns, we’ve received dozens of inquiries regarding website development and strategies. These are not clients who just “want a cheap website solution” but those who seek to take their site to the next level. Some businesses understand that their website is not just a collection of pages...
    What is the Role of a Business Growth Strategist?  Every business aims to grow and profit, but it’s common to feel stuck when you run out of ideas to increase sales. In many cases, a business growth strategist can be the solution, especially when you catch yourself relying on old growth strategies that don’t deliver....
    Omer Bernstein
    October 5, 2024
    website conversion rate optimisation
    What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)? CRO involves analysing and understanding how visitors interact on your site, identifying pain points and opportunities, and implementing changes to increase the desired action. Ultimately, the goal is to improve engagement, which in turn will increase your website conversion rate. Get A Full UX/CRO Report of Your Website If...
    Minimising Tax for Small Businesses  Taxes can feel overwhelming for small business owners, especially if you’re not well-versed in how to make the most of tax season. But with a solid understanding of tax laws, you can unlock valuable opportunities to boost your profitability, by  paying less tax. In this article, we’ll explore how you...
    Omer Bernstein
    August 27, 2024
    website costs Australia
    How much does a website cost in Australia these days? Let’s cover this topic in detail so you don’t get “ripped off”. As you can imagine, the cost can vary significantly, especially if you want to launch it with a lot of extra content, complex features or product listings. Essentially, websites designed and developed by...
    Time to Look for an Alternative Business Structure  Selecting an alternative business structure could be challenging and exciting. It’s a cornerstone decision that can significantly impact a business’s productivity, efficiency and overall success.  A well-structured organisation operates like a well-oiled machine; it is more agile and can streamline operations, foster innovation, and enhance decision-making. On...
    Australia’s Business Environment is Booming Australia is gradually becoming a thriving hub for entrepreneurs, thanks to its robust economy, supportive government, and high living standards. In 2024 alone, the federal government invested a record $1.7B in innovation and business grants, further enhancing the appeal for those eager to establish new ventures. Despite the potential for...
    So, You Are Looking to Build a Billboard in Australia Are you considering building a billboard in Australia but unsure where to start? You’re not alone. Many aspiring advertisers and property owners face similar challenges when navigating the complexities of billboard projects. That’s why we are here to help. We Offer Expert Guidance Tailored to...

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